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PopKorn Labs

Workshops by PopKorn Company

Workshops specifically designed for performing arts

What are PopKorn Labs ? Rhythm, Human Beatbox and Dance adapted to the world of performing arts. They are specifically aimed at theater enthusiasts, improvisational comedians, rhythm adepts, musicians, and beginners within scenic performance.
  • Ludovic Winkler teaches rhythmic tools and beatbox skills.

  • Philémon Flückiger shares dance concepts inspired by Popping and mime.

  • Paula Jimenez is the bridge between the two, through her use of corporal percussions and coordination.

The tools taught by the Company are then mixed to create rhythmical and non-verbal improvisational concepts. This kind of workshop has been offered occasionally to experienced performing arts troupes (Théâtre universitaire de Neuchâtel, Le Lokart, la Ligue d’Improvisation de Neuchâtel), as well as a weekly formation open to everyone in 2019.

“Allowing amateurs to become professionals, and opening the door for beginners”

The Company’s project is to make music and dance accessible to every kind of audience. These workshops allow people to have a first time approach to corporal consciousness, as well as, develop their sense of rhythm and of musicality.

Our curriculum is specifically designed to equip amateurs with the tools needed to reveal, and enhance their artistic potential. They will learn to master their body, develop their sense of rhythm and their musical understanding. Above all else, they will learn to play, have fun, and gain social and communicative skills which they will use for a lifetime.

Ideally, the goal of these formations is to create a troupe of dancers, musicians and amateur comedians who will benefit from a personalized coaching, and structure to create shows for performances in Switzerland in 2022 or 2023.

Our curriculum, courses and workshops will be offered both in traditional academic – and extracurricular settings. Some courses will be more suited to medical/paramedical centers, but overall, our courses find a place wherever music, dance, and movement can be appreciated.